Saturday, February 1, 2020

Case Study Wk7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Study Wk7 - Essay Example i.e 1,000,000. The duration of the television campaign will be one month, three times a week, shown before the most preferred shows like soap operas, the newspaper campaign will last one month, it will appear on Sunday newspapers, the magazines campaign will last one month and the print advertisement will appear to men and women magazines, the radio spots campaign will last 22 days and it will appear during the afternoon news and finally, the billboards campaign will last 23 days and it will be shown on the main roads of the city. The goals of the media campaign will be reaching as many people of the targeted audience as possible. Therefore radio and TV as well as newspapers and magazines are used. The main focus will be on the first three months of the year since it is the period when people decide to buy more clothes (sales period). The targeted groups watch mass media. The print advertisements in the magazines will be set in the last page whereas in the newspapers the print advertisements will be set at the life style section. Television spots will be shown before soap operas and radio spots will be played during the afternoon news when most of the people are on the road. Spot Thompson is the advertising company that provides the company with useful statistics regarding the target groups. The statistics concern the TV and Radio shows that the target audience prefers the newspapers and magazines that it reads etc. The media plan is based on the date that Spot Thompson has provided to the

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